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2022 photofinish winner: Ciara Alfaro

Jennessa Hester

We are pleased to announce the winner of our 2022 PhotoFinish is Ciara Alfaro’s “The Taste of That,” and the runner up is Sean Cho A.'s “& Then #17.”

Iron Horse Literary Review’s annual PhotoFinish is an invitation for writers to respond to a photo prompt with a well-crafted and very brief ekphrastic work that pushes beyond a literal read of the image we provide.

This year's winner, Ciara Alfaro, is a writer, romantic, and descendant of magicians from Lubbock, Texas. Her work has appeared in Cutthroat’s Puro Chicanx Writers of the 21st Century Anthology, Water~Stone Review, Sad Girls Club, and more. Currently, she is an MFA candidate at the University of Minnesota.

In addition to our winner and runner up, the following finalists will appear in the 2022 issue of PhotoFinish, releasing on New Year's Eve:

Jeffrey Haskey-Valerius

Susan Barry-Schulz

Jemma Leigh Roe

Jeffrey Hecker

Meghan Kemp-Gee

Laura Nagle

Elisabeth Murawski


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