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win, place, show: $10 or less writing contests


All of the following writing contests are $10 or less, or free! The deadline for the first two contests is September 30, so get your submissions out now!

Contest is open to writers who have not yet published a first book of poetry. Contestants may submit no more than six, previously unpublished poems in a "traditional" form (e.g. sonnet, sestina, villanelle, rhymed stanzas, blank verse, etc.). Poems should be printed blank with name and address information only on a cover sheet or letter. E

Entry fee of $5.00 per poem must accompany submission.

Postmarked deadline for entry is September 30, 2015.

Poems will not be returned. Winners will be notified in December.

First Prize: $500

Second Prize: $250

Third Prize: $100

The three award winners, along with three honorable mention entries, will be published with CHEAP POP.

500 words or less. Judge: Phillip Sterling

Contest Opens: August 1, 2015

Deadline: September 30, 2015

Results Announced: Friday, October 30, 2015

Fee: $5.00

350 words or less. All winners will appear in the Winter/Spring 2016 Issue of TSR: The Southampton Review.

First Prize: $350

Second Prize: $250

Third Prize: $150

Submission Period: September 15 - October 15, 2015.

Fee: $3.00

Your submission may include up to three flash fictions; each individual piece should be under 1,000 words. Upload your submission as a single manuscript file. Your name should not appear anywhere on the manuscript.

Prize: $300, online publication, publication as a limited-run broadside or micro-chap,

and a copy of the judge’s latest book

Contest Judge: Laura Ellen Joyce

Submission Period: August 15 - October 15, 2015.

Fee: $10.00

The Brooklyn Film & Arts Festival is pleased to announce the call for submissions for the 2015 Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize.

The Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize, a cash award of $500, will be awarded to the best Brooklyn-focused non-fiction essay which is set in Brooklyn and is about Brooklyn and/or Brooklyn people/characters.

We are seeking compelling Brooklyn stories from writers with a broad range of backgrounds and ages who can render Brooklyn's rich soul and intangible qualities through the writer's actual experiences in Brooklyn.

From the collection of selected Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize submissions, five authors will be selected to read from their work and discuss their Brooklyn stories with the audience at our December 2015 event.

The exact date/time and venue will be announced later.

These stories and several other submitted stories will be published on the Brooklyn Film and Arts Festival website and made available to the public.

The award is $500.

Submissions should be between 4 to 10 pages. (Up to 2500 words).

Submission Deadline: November 15th, 2015.

Entry Fee: Free

Winner: $200 and publication in Fiction Southeast

Runners-up: publication in Fiction Southeast

1500 words or less. Judge: Daren Dean

Contest Opens: June 1, 2015

Deadline: December 1, 2015

Fee: $10.00

First Prize: $1,000

Second Prize: $250

Honorable Mentions: 10 awards of $100 each

Top 12 entries published online

Contest Opens: August 15, 2015

Deadline: April 1, 2016

Results Announced: August 15, 2016

No fee

Theme: Humor

Length Limit: Submit one poem only, with a maximum of 250 lines

Judges: Jendi Reiter and Lauren Singer

2015 Winner: Cathy Bryant “Sexual Positions for Those No Longer Young”

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