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2023 photo prompt



PhotoFinish 2023 Prompt Photo copy.jpg

Photo credit: Johanna Altmann

the ihlr photofinish



For the IHLR annual PhotoFinish, we seek well-crafted and very brief ekphrastic work that pushes beyond an absolute literal read of a photo prompt. We're looking for work that recognizes what's hidden in the world we see, responding to the physical details that the picture offers or what emotion it conveys or both. We provide the photo on our website and social media platforms every mid-May. Responses should be no longer than 500 words for prose or 15 lines for poetry, and they should be submitted electronically from July 1 to Aug 15.. Winner receives $250. The finalists receive: $50. The winner and nine finalists are published in the e-edition, released at midnight on New Year's Eve--our last horse over the year's finish line.

Reading fee: $5. Free submit day: July 15 (extended through July 16).

Read our past PhotoFinish Issues (FREE!) at IHLR Online!

2023 winner:

Aimee LaBrie, "Shadow Stories"

2023 finalists:

Bosse Haley, “it was a child’s war,”

Cervenka Aimee, “Self-portrait with Drought”

Diep Mags, “Grounding”

Jewell Susan Carroll, “The Year of Living Dangerously”

Morse Oak, “Circus Burst”

Straus Adam, “In the Woods”

Thomas Noah, “Cast Figures”

Vallone Deanie, “Elska”

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